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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Very Important Question to Ask


Something to think about as we get off to a New Year???

I have just put this question up as my 'Status" on facebook. It will be interesting to see what the answers will be.

It is certainly a question I am asking myself too and making myself think. So let me start by posing the question here and now:


So, what is it that STOPS us from taking "All Out MASSIVE ACTION (meaning work...could even be simple work anyone can do)" in order to
get everything we want and full fill every single dream and desire we want. EVERY SINGLE TIME no matter what???????????

Good question to contemplate as we start the New Year!!

By the way for me this question will relate to my Herbalife business, however, this question can and would be applied to anything we want to become successful

I assume one of the first things that would pop into our mind is that we love what we do. What I mean by this is, what would stop me from doing all out massive action would be if I was a "Used Car Salesman"....I simply would not love selling cars therefore I would not take all out massive action to promote my car sales yard.

However, I DO LOVE the Herbalife products.....and I know the Herbalife business CAN provide me with all the solutions to get whatever I want, meaning:
Money.... to give away to Charity, Building orphanages, providing for the less fortunate, providing for my family, the house I want, the private schooling for my children, housing for parents, housing for kids, legacy for kids, car I want to drive, anything my loved one wants, in fact money for anything I or any of my loved ones want....absolutely anything I desire....Including, recognition, self satisfaction, self feeling of success, love from people. In fact anything that would give me
a positive emotional feeling......So, Herbalife can give me anything....material as well as personal emotion I want.

So, then the question arises .... Why not take all out massive action in order to get everything fast???

I need to define Massive action, as some may think massive action means .... "I need money for advertising".....NO it does not.
Massive action means doing everything you can think off to enable you to talk to people about the 'products' or 'business'....What stops us from simply going
out and "talking" to people??? In every spare moment we have...even if we do have a full time job???? Again, a good question to ask.

And here is the clincher....if you could get the would just end the misery right now....see how ridiculous the answer is or the excuse you use...not to do all out massive action, and you would get everything you want in a very, very short period of time.

Why? Because to get what you want out of Herbalife to have everything you desire it only takes "numbers of people"....that is it. It does not take skill nor knowledge, nor a system, nor money.....It simply takes numbers of people buying the product and numbers of people joining the business.
In order to get "numbers of people" simply takes "All out massive action"....of having people look at the products and look at the business.
Think about it.....If you did just 4000 flyers per day about the business....would that bring you a LOT of people looking at the business...per day. Well, I can tell you in all honesty from someone who has actually done this....yes, it brings you 50 calls per day and over 20,000.00 personal volume by the end of 90 days., something to think about......"What stops us from doing the exact same thing, (or equivalent to ie: 50 to 100 free classified ads online or 200 pulltabs per day or 50 surveys per day???) to get the exact same result (if not better)...(the result of 50 callers per day was within an area where Herbalife had very "bad Publicity" in newspapers, radio & tv).....Again, what stops us from doing this, knowing it would give us everything we want. NOW, THIS IS THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION....if we can each figure it out for ourselves and get over what ever is stopping us.....Hey, then we would do what a 5yr old child could do....and simply do it and have everything we want in a matter of no time.

Look forward to your "thoughts" I will also give this serious thought and feedback. One place I will start is when I first started Herbalife and did do
"all out massive action" as mentioned above and lived on 4/5hrs sleep for only 3yrs to get to Presidents Team. and ask, knowing this is the only thing it took,
what has been stopping me from doing it again???? ..... and staying consistent.....mmmmm....??? I certainly will let you know when I get the answer.

Before I send this, I have already recieved one feedback to this question. It was "Laziness".....I didn't think so, as I and many of us have "worked" and done jobs far more laborious, arduous with longer hours to be rewarded far less, materialistically and emotionally than Herbalife can give us and some still continue to I don't think a simple answer as 'laziness' is it.

Also....first thought that came to ME of asking this question of MYSELF is: "boredom" of doing flyers, pulltabs or sitting at computer doing on line ads, articles etc or simply going out and talking to people gives me a feeling of "fear of rejection/self consciousness". This is really making me think about what I have heard from "really successful" people in herbalife that have done all these things and how they really talk about the products and business and helping "others" change their lives. If I find the simple things to do in herbalife that can give me everything I want, "boring" or "MY fear of rejection"....then, now I am questioning myself about "is it true that "I" number 1, honestly believe these products are life changing? and number "I" really and honestly, care about helping other people. Now, this one has really given ME a real pang of facing the truth....I don't like it...but now i think...certainly for ME, I am getting somewhere that I really need to face in order to turn things around. This now starts me questioning my own personal belief system and getting it on the right track. Please note: In the above statement, I am ONLY talking about ME and sharing truths I believe only about me in this statement/thought feedback.

I hope you are realizing how powerful this questioning is, if you allow yourself to be completely honest with yourselves.

Talk soon,
Claudia xo

1 comment:

  1. Too True Claudia, that's a very potent question. Ben
